Justin Peh Yu Xiang
That's me!
I do physics, write programs and tinker with engineering projects. In my free time I experiment with stuff.

About this website

A lightweight minimal landing webpage, made manually from scratch using pure HTML + CSS + JS. Done more as an excuse to experiment with front-end rather than as a necessity. Nowadays I prefer to focus more on backend stuff, as well as other miscellaneous pursuits probably unworthy of being in an academic CV.

Jan 2024 addendum: This website is //outdated//! But it still is a nice landing page :)

Where I studied

Graduated from NUS in May 2021 with B.Eng (Engineering Science) as well as a minor each in Physics and Computer Science.

Wrote a bachelor's thesis playing around with non-degenerate photon pair generation via spontaneous parametric down-conversion, as part of the CQT Quantum Optics group. Not my proudest work, but it helped smooth a transition into building more compact polarization-entangled pair sources at S-Fifteen Instruments.

Coursework-wise, mainly did some experimental physics in photonics with engineering design, as well as algorithm design and software development. Lots of 𝕎𝕆ℝ𝔻𝕊, I know. The graph above is there to do a better job than me.

Stuff I love doing


More accurately, scripting — why do a task manually with a subservient computer at your beck and call? Except when it's not and efficiency tradeoff lemmas are violated — obligatory xkcd.

Previously did a small software dev internship at IHPC to kickstart a Python library for designing silicon photonic devices. Open-source plans are... unfortunately non-existent. Other projects include telegram chatbots, GUI apps for instrumentation, automated yoga class booking, etc. Endless possibilities!


Conducted tutorials for many undergraduate computer science modules as a teaching assistant, including the core computing modules:

Teaching as an undergraduate always takes a toll on health and academics, but these pay off when I'm told my enthusiasm is infectious. Luckily NUS has an Honor List of Student Tutors — popped up in there for 2019-2021, as consolation to my missing Dean's Lists :')

Choral singing

This always evokes a strong sense of belonging — harmonizing with others. Previously sang in multiple choirs and acappellas, including Oscat Jazz while on student exchange. I occasionally do choral piano accompaniment as well: here's a recording of fetus me with AJC choir back in 2014.

Had the rare opportunity to serve as a student conductor in The NUSChoir back in 2018/19. Other than the 2018 Llangollen competition highlight (we surprisingly won), I did a couple more hand-waving at other concerts and carolling sessions. Conducting wasn't my strongest suit, and the difficulty in wrangling coordination and consensus on music interpretation with scores of other people broke my spirit fairly regularly. But the payoff is immense — probably my proudest moment yet with Mironczarnia at our 2019 Varsity Voices concert:

Networking (the computer kind)

Not sure what to make of this hobby, other than it being a serious financial drain (certainly evokes the same feeling with every visit to r/homelab). This webserver you're currently visiting is being supported by a pretty flat network and a couple of 4x4TB RAID 10 NAS.

I need more money to fund more servers :')